Clinique Pasteur

Technical platform

Close to the clinic, an independent technical centre is available to in-patients and out-patients:

Ris-Orangis Radiotherapy Centre

14 rue du Clos - 91130 RIS-ORANGIS

By appointment on 01 69 02 10 60

The team at the Radiotherapy Centre welcomes adult cancer patients requiring treatment with ionising radiation.
The Centre is equipped with 3 particle accelerators, enabling patients to benefit from the most innovative cancer treatment techniques.

Private imaging practice - Imagerie Médicale 91

12 rue du Clos - 91130 RIS-ORANGIS

By appointment on 01 69 02 74 74

  • Digital and interventional radiology
  • Ultrasound
  • Mammography
  • Bone densitometry
  • Dental radiology
  • Scanner

Private medical analysis laboratory: Cerballiance

12 rue du Clos - 91130 RIS-ORANGIS

Open Monday to Friday from 7.30am to 12.30pm

and from 13H30 to 18H30 and Saturday from 7H30 to 12H30.

Liberal vascular doctor - Echodopplerist

17 avenue de Rigny - 91130 Ris Orangis

Dr Jacques SAFFAR

By appointment on 06-18-50-01-34


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Make an appointment

To make an appointment online, it's quick and easy
click on the link below and let us guide you.

Coming to the centre / Contact us

Clinique Pasteur

Come to the centre

By car
By car

From Paris/Porte d'Orléans, follow the N7 towards Evry. In Ris-Orangis, continue on the N7 then turn right onto Avenue de Rigny.


RER D, Grigny-Centre or Ris-Orangis stop

Contact us


Call Us

Tél : 01 69 25 69 00
Fax : 01 69 25 69 98


Send us an email:

Click here
Clinique Pasteur

17, avenue de Rigny
91130 Ris-Orangis

Our commitments

Sustainable development

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our CSR approach is transversal, operational and aims to be as close as possible to the field.
Organ Donation

Organ and Blood Donations

More than 14400 patients who need an organ transplant every year. The main obstacle to transplantation is the persistent lack of available organs.