Clinique Pasteur

Patient rights and information

Information and consent, refusal of care, discharge against medical advice

The law of 4 March 2002 states that no medical procedure or treatment may be carried out without the free and informed consent of the patient, and that this consent may be withdrawn at any time. You have the right to be informed as fully as possible by the health professionals treating you about the various investigations, treatments or preventive actions proposed, their usefulness, urgency, consequences, frequent or serious risks, possible alternatives or the possible consequences of refusal. We are also obliged to inform you of any newly identified risks after the investigations, treatments or preventive measures have been carried out. This information is given during a personal interview with your oncologist. You may choose not to be informed, in which case you should let your oncologist know so that this request can be recorded in your medical file. You have the right to express your consent throughout the care process and to withdraw it at any time, after informing the medical team.


The law (no. 2005-370) of 22 April 2005, known as the Leonetti law, relating to patients' rights and the end of life, allows any adult to draw up advance directives in the event that they are one day unable to express their wishes. You will find a document in the appendix setting out the procedures for drawing up your advance directives. Remember to inform your doctor of the existence of your directives.


Any person hospitalised may request that their presence not be disclosed. No-one not authorised by the patient can have access to this information.


As part of its ongoing quality approach, the establishment is implementing an approach to prevent abuse and promote good treatment. Your dignity and privacy will be respected during care. You and your family will be encouraged to express yourself.


In application of law 2002-303 of 4 March 2002 on patients' rights and the quality of the healthcare system, and in particular article L1111-6, patients may designate a trusted support person who will be consulted in the event that the patient is unable to express his or her wishes and receive the information required to do so. This trusted support person, freely chosen by you, may be a relative, a close friend or your GP. It is your responsibility to inform the person you have chosen and obtain their agreement. At your request, this trusted support person may attend medical appointments and help you to formulate your wishes. A form for appointing a support person will be given to you on your arrival.


You are entitled to respect for your freedom and may refuse any treatment or care proposed.


Under the terms of the law of 4 March 2002, you may access your medical file, either through a freely appointed doctor, or directly and personally. The medical file must be communicated to you at the earliest after 48 hours and at the latest within 8 days of the request. This period is extended to 2 months when the medical information is more than 5 years old (article L.1111-7 of the CSP). The request must be made by post and accompanied by a copy of your identity document. On-site access to medical records is free of charge. You are responsible only for the cost of copies. If the file is sent by post, you will be responsible for the cost of copying and delivery. Your file will be kept confidential. With the exception of the people involved in your care, who are subject to professional confidentiality, any communication of your file will be subject to your prior agreement. Clinique Pasteur uses automated processes to manage your administrative and medical records, and it is compulsory to collect certain data. Under the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access and correct this information.

Administrative data

You have access to your personal data, which may be corrected, supplemented, updated or deleted. To do so, please contact the Day Hospital team.

Medical data

This data is collected and checked by the doctor in charge of the medical information department (D.I.M.) as part of the medicalisation of information systems programme (P.M.S.I.). Access to and use of these documents are strictly reserved for the hospital doctors treating you. This data is protected by medical secrecy. You may exercise your right of access and rectification through a doctor designated by you. This request should be made to the practitioner responsible for the medical facility where you received treatment, or to the practitioner who compiled your file. You have the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the collection and processing of personal data concerning you, under the conditions set out in article 26 of law no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, supplemented by law no. 94-548 of 1 July 1994 relating to the processing of personal data for the purposes of health research.

Consumer complaints and mediation

All complaints must be sent in writing to the establishment's quality department by e-mail: or by post: Clinique Pasteur - 17 Avenue de Rigny - 91130 Ris-Orangis. If the request for a complaint to the quality department fails within one month, the patient may submit the dispute with the establishment to the mediator free of charge within a maximum period of one year from the date of the written complaint. The mediator will attempt, independently and impartially, to bring the parties together with a view to finding an amicable solution.

The mediator's contact details are as follows

  • ANM Consommation, an association under the law of 1901
  • Online:
  • E-mail:
  • By post: Médiation de la Consommation ANM Consommation 02 rue de Colmar à Vincennes 94300.

The mediator may be contacted by e-mail, online or by post. In addition to their full contact details (surname, first name, contacts) and the written complaint that they must first have sent to the establishment's quality department to try to resolve their dispute directly, patients are encouraged to provide the following information to the mediator:

  • The nature of the request
  • A statement and description of the dispute
  • All documents and factual evidence useful to the mediator's understanding and analysis of the case.


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17, avenue de Rigny
91130 Ris-Orangis

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